Let’s summarize what we’ll be seeing in the next update, dropping tomorrow, March 23rd at 11:00 AM PDT / 18:00 UTC. Please remember, there is an expected 1 Hour downtime starting at 10:00 AM PDT / 17:00 UTC.
Blanko Brawl Game Mode
Battle your way through multiple Stages, against other Blankos, to get to the top and be the last Blanko standing! Only the toughest, most skilled Blanko may be crowned the Brawl Champ!
Movement Changes
Drift Jump, Hover-Mode, and changes to Flying & movement speed! This change will provide more control and purpose to movement. The reason for this is so that you can smoothly do what you intend to do, when you intend for it to happen.

New Weapon
Swing back, charge up, and let loose with our latest addition of the Blanko Bat! This melee weapon is sure to add some new excitement to Blanko Brawl!

New Interactive Props
Build more strategically with new props, like the Vibe Cloud, the Disappearing Platform, and destructible props! What fun could these new props bring to Block Parties?