Pug Life

It's a dog eat dog world and Pug Life is in it to win it. Don't let the adorable face fool you, this Blanko's got the fighting spirit of an ankle biter and has seen some things.
That's right! Pug Life, by Kronk, is the next Blanko stepping up to Gem Rush, starting July 13th, at 11 AM PDT / 18:00 UTC, with no set time limit.
If you don’t have them already, Pug Life is currently only available for purchase on the Mythical Marketplace or the Ethereum mainnet (like OpenSea).
What is a Gem Rush?
Gem Rush is a system that creates a way to acquire premium Blankos via our GradeUP system. It can allow Blankos to be consumed, or burned, from the Blockchain, making the remaining copies more scarce.
When a Gem Rush activates for a Blanko, you will be able to progress it to Premium Grades called Mint and Gem Mint. You can do this by putting your Blankos through a special process called Fusion.
The process of Fusion requires two identical Blankos of Excellent Grade Level 15 (EX LV 15). Fusion results in the creation of a brand new, boxed Mint Level 1 (MT LV 1) Blanko, consuming the two identical EX LV 15 Blankos in the process.
This process can be repeated with two identical MT LV 15 Blankos to create a brand new, boxed Gem Mint Level 1 (GM LV 1) Blanko, consuming the two identical MT LV 15 Blankos in the process.
Mint and Gem Mint Blankos resulting from NFTs will themselves be NFTs as well. Additionally, they have the ability to unlock cosmetics and special effects unique to that Blanko!
Keep in mind that resulting Fuses will inherit the class of the initial Blanko chosen for Fusion.
For example, if the class of the Blanko you initially chose for Fusion is a Tracer, the resulting Blanko after Fusing will also be a Tracer. On top of this, the resulting Blanko will also inherit the Hidden Perks of the initial Blanko.
[MINT] Don Puguillo
From running the streets to being top dog, Don Puguillo's done it all. But nothing wags his tail like being the Dog Father. He may be sitting pretty now, but don’t let the fancy threads fool you, this dog’s still got bite.
You can Fuse 2 EX LV 15 Pug Lifes to result in a Mint Level 1 Don Puguillo!
Maximum Don Puguillos Available: While supplies last
MashUP Compatible: Yes
Fuse Requirements
- 2 EX LV 15 Pug Life Blankos
- 16 Gumballs
- 25000 moola or 1250 Blanko Bucks
Mint Rewards List
LV 1
- Mint Nameplate
4200 XP to Level Up
LV 2
- 500 Blanko Bucks
4600 XP to Level Up
LV 3
- 1 Random Gumball
5100 XP to Level Up
LV 4
- [Unique] New Footsteps SFX - Puguillo Ruidos
5600 XP to Level Up
LV 5
- 500 Blanko Bucks
6100 XP to Level Up
LV 6
- 1 Random Gumball
6700 XP to Level Up
LV 7
- [Unique] New Shove Animation - Puguillo Pelea
7300 XP to Level Up
LV 8
- 500 Blanko Bucks
7900 XP to Level Up
LV 9
- 1 Random Gumball
8600 XP to Level Up
LV 10
- [Unique] New Stunned Animation - Puguillo Aturdido
9300 XP to Level Up
LV 11
- 500 Blanko Bucks
10000 XP to Level Up
LV 12
- 1 Random Gumball
10700 XP to Level Up
LV 13
- [Unique] New Shove PFX - El Empuguillón
11500 XP to Level Up
LV 14
- 500 Blanko Bucks
12400 XP to Level Up
LV 15 [MAX]
- [Unique] New Run Trail PFX - Puguillo’s Trail de Tatuajes
Total Rewards
- 5 Uniques
- 2500 Blanko Bucks
- 4 Gumballs
110000 total XP is needed to reach MT LV 15 from MT LV 1.
[GEM MINT] Puguillo Tranquilo
Some dogs spend their whole lives chasing their tails, but Puguillo’s been busy stacking bones. With a healthy nest egg, he’s ready for some much needed R&R. He’s a good boy. So if you see him napping…let sleeping dogs lie, and fuggeddaboutit.
You can Fuse 2 MT LV 15 Don Puguillos to result in a Gem Mint Level 1 Puguillo Tranquilo!
Maximum Puguillo Tranquilos available: While supplies last
MashUP compatible: Yes
Fuse Requirements
- 2 MT LV 15 Don Puguillo Blankos
- 20 Gumballs
- 30000 moola or 1500 Blanko Bucks
Gem Mint Rewards List
LV 1
- Gem Mint Nameplate
5000 XP to Level Up
LV 2
- 2000 Blanko Bucks
5500 XP to Level Up
LV 3
- 3 Random Gumballs
6000 XP to Level Up
LV 4
- [Unique] New Emote - Puguillo Bailito
6600 XP to Level Up
LV 5
- 2000 Blanko Bucks
7300 XP to Level Up
LV 6
- 3 Random Gumballs
8000 XP to Level Up
LV 7
- [Unique] New Run Animation - Puguillo Corrito
8700 XP to Level Up
LV 8
- 2000 Blanko Bucks
9400 XP to Level Up
LV 9
- 3 Random Gumballs
10100 XP to Level Up
LV 10
- [Unique] New Blanko SFX - Puguillo Ruidos Extra Grande
10900 XP to Level Up
LV 11
- 2000 Blanko Bucks
11,700 XP to Level Up
LV 12
- 3 Random Gumballs
12600 XP to Level Up
LV 13
- [Unique] New Run Trail PFX - Trail de Tatuajes Extra Grande
13600 XP to Level Up
LV 14
- 2000 Blanko Bucks
14600 XP to Level Up
LV 15 [MAX]
- [Unique] New Flight Attachment - Puguillo’s Low Rida
Total Rewards
- 5 Uniques
- 10000 Blanko Bucks
- 12 Random Gumballs
130000 total XP is needed to reach GM LV 15 from GM LV 1.