Party Pass: Blanko Brawl Pre-Game

Hey, party-goers! We’ve got a new Party Pass coming on March 23rd, at 11:00 AM PDT / 18:00 UTC! Party Pass Blanko Brawl Pre-Game will be different from the Party Passes we’ve done in the past. This Pass will not include any NFTs to chase, this is to remove the stress and rush of chasing after low mints during the beginning of the new Blanko Brawl update. This Party Pass will also only last 1 week, as opposed to 8 weeks, and come to a close on March 30th at 9:30 AM PDT / 16:30 UTC. After this Pass ends, it will be followed up by a traditional 8-week long Party Pass, packed with NFTs like our previous Passes!

Note that Daily Challenges reset every day at 10 AM PDT / 17:00 UTC. Weekly and Seasonal Challenges will not reset as there will only be 1 set of each for THIS PARTY PASS ONLY.

New Challenges

This Party Pass will be the first Pass to include Blanko Brawl challenges. Earn shiny pins, complete Stages, get KOs, and more - all within the high stakes of Blanko Brawl!


The rewards for this Pass will be available to all players; there will not be a Party Pass+ track for Party Pass Blanko Brawl Pre-Game.

Base Track Rewards

Party Pass Blanko Brawl Pre-Game’s base track features XP, moola, Gumballs, and Blanko Bucks!

  • 14,000 XP
  • 4,000 moola
  • 3 Gumballs
  • 250 Blanko Bucks

Take a breather - we hope you enjoy this laid back Party Pass, ‘cause you’ll need it. As you’re getting used to the new Blanko Brawl mode, the real brawlers are right around the corner!


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