The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here. The one, the only, Pug Life is dropping into Blankos Block Party. The bad boy we’ve all had our eye on for more than a year will be available on September 15, 2021 at 3PM PDT in-game and in the web shop.
Pug Life is one of the most iconic Blankos ever. Possibly only second to the legend, Billy Bones. The incredible design from Kronk, an incredibly popular artist in the vinyl toy and Blankos world, has so much detail in tattoos. Every time we look at it, we find something new.

Because this Blanko is so special, we’re doing a special drop. There will only be 5000 mints of Pug Life available and will be on sale for $49.99 in the web shop or 5000 Blanko Bucks in-game. There will be an order limit of 16, but no limit on the amount you hold in your account.
This bad boy is the crown jewel of any Blankos collection and we cannot wait to see it running around the Junction.