From the Desk of The Foreman:
In my last act as The Foreman I’d like to celebrate our top 10 Builders Of All Time. We’ve already awarded Diddley and SelvesteGud, so here I am presenting the other 8.
One thing these folx all have in common is an openness to critique and desire to learn. This is the trait that sets people apart and leads to greatness in all areas of life. It’s been an absolute pleasure to be a small part of the process of their growth.
All Builders Of The Month will be awarded 5000 Blanko Bucks, and a Builder Of The Month chain NFT.
jhcosmic is not only an OG Builder, but the best builder the game has ever had.

They have been contributing since it was possible, and their talent was recognized early in Beta, leading to being recruited to professionally contribute tightly tuned levels for the Brawl feature as it was being developed.

Their incredibly clean and polished aesthetic sets the standard for Blankos levels. An excellent use of color, composition, and exacting standards down to the last detail.

Fiyaman is a master story teller and delightfully talented character designer.

They have put so much obvious love into their levels that it’s worth losing a game just to take your time to admire the wonderful place they have built for you.

BlankoGod gets the award for Most Improved builder. Showing a tenacious desire to improve their craft through brute strength. So many levels and so many iterations have made BlankoGod a valuable member of the Hit Makers.

CrazyX is a relative newcomer but came out swinging with immediate high quality design and art.

ELULTIMOCUERVO worked hard to improve their craft and quickly became one of the most prolific builders.

Zazaz has a beautifully creative mind and approach to level design. I still remember the first time jumping in their ‘swimming pool’ and being ‘blown away’ by the clever approach. They put a lot thought and detail into their levels that always reward exploration.

CRYPTICzLEGENDz is another builder who has improved a lot by simply making a ton of levels. They know what they like, and they make a lot of it!

Yeesha doesn’t have a huge number of levels, but they have been contributing since the beginning. The levels they have made are always high-effort and cool concepts. And they have always had helpful feedback for the other builders.