Hey, Party-goers!
With the release of Early Access Patch 6, comes a plethora of bug fixes! Let’s take a look.
- Fixed an issue where having the Blanko bat equipped while drift jumping caused the bat to clip through the Blanko's head
- Fixed an issue where the player was able to get stuck in the climbing animation on certain ledges.
- Fixed an issue where the player could sometimes get stuck in the falling animation.
- Fixed an issue where the player doesn't perform a recovery animation after getting KO'd by exploding.
- Fixed an issue where the quickplay portal sounds could still be heard after leaving to the Desk from the Junction.
- Fixed an issue where creating a new Block by talking to the Foreman would result in two audio tracks playing simultaneously
- Fixed an issue where the Brawl cutscene audio would be interrupted by navigating through the escape menu.
- Fixed an issue where the Brawl cutscene music volume was not controlled by the 'Music Volume' slider in the audio settings.
- Fixed an issue where the Nelson, Katana, and South Paw Blankos' boxes displayed a placeholder signature.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Double KO' pin would fail to reward any moola or XP Chips.
- Fixed an issue where vacant dance floor tiles would be lit up during the results sequence.
- Fixed an issue where Brawl matches could start with only one player.
- Fixed an issue where the player isn't rewarded properly if they're the last Blanko in A Brawl when the Stage starts.
- Fixed an issue where the 'MVP' and 'Underdog' pins were still in the game despite not being earnable anymore.
- Fixed an issue where test pins were earnable in Brawl mode.
Build Mode
- Fixed an issue where players could publish Parties with no win condition.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to scroll through the toy properties of props on a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Grab X vibes in Blanko Brawl' challenges could be completed in the 'Junction'.
- Fixed an issue where swinging the bat counted towards completing the 'Perform X Skills' challenges.
- Fixed an issue with the 'Play X stages in Blanko Brawl' where players could progress 2 points by being eliminated on Stage 1.
- Fixed an issue where players are applied the 'stunned' status effect when they respawn from being KO'd.
- Fixed an issue where knockback would sometimes not be applied after being hit in quick succession by the bat.
- Fixed an issue where 'number of lives' could be set for team Parties.
- Fixed a rare issue where players would fail to respawn after being crushed by a Mover prop.
- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck and jitter when trying to pass over small crevices.
- Fixed an issue where the match would freeze once ended.
- Fixed an issue where, when the Party's starting weapon is a bat, the player's camera would be put into 'ADS mode' when getting KO'd with a gun equipped.
- Fixed a rare issue where players in team Parties couldn't be KO'd.
- Fixed an issue where the Vibe Champ's glow would disappear when the Party ended, leading players to believe they lost the lead at the last second.
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to reset to last checkpoint when playing on a controller.
- Fixed an issue where players would experience matchmaking issues for Parties if their client was not up to date.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to be kicked from a Party for being AFK while spectating another player.
- Fixed an issue where players with flying Attachments equipped could fly out of the pre-match lobby.
- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes fire twice at once when rapidly clicking after picking up a weapon.
- Fixed a rare issue where danger Movers would be inaccurately positioned on the client, leading to being KO'd by an unknown source.
- Fixed an issue where players could unintentionally use weapons at the same time as some skills.
- Fixed an issue where players would be unable to take additional damage after being KO'd in a Party that uses the 'stunned' KO type.
- Fixed a rare issue where players' Blankos would disappear from the Junction.
- Fixed an issue where the respawn rate of the Burberry tokens in the Junction did not align with the refresh rate of Party Pass challenges.
- Fixed in issue where the 'Invigorated' Perk does not last the intended 15 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Quick Comeback' perk didn't respawn the player "dramatically faster".
- Fixed an issue that allowed users of the Dunk ground pound ability to exceed the velocity speed cap.
- Fixed an issue where unavailable skills would appear ready to use after respawning.
- Fixed an issue where 'Super Streak Smash' would last 1 second longer than intended.
- Fixed an issue where jumping immediately after placing a gum or vibe trap would allow the player to jump higher.
- Fixed an issue where the player couldn't sprint after using the 'Swerve' skill in the pre-match lobby.
- Fixed a rare issue where the previews of items in the Shop could overlap one another.
- Fixed an issue where the sidebar challenge list opened each time the menu or chat were closed.
- Fixed an issue where Party Pass rewards could be claimed without clicking the reward or the 'Claim All' button.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Gem Rush' button text overlapped outside the bounds of the button.
- Fixed an issue where the MashUP button for a boxed Blanko becomes enabled when declining to unbox the Blanko.
- Fixed an issue where the Shelf tab was the third tab instead of the second.
- Fixed an issue where the Vibe Champ could only see the two players closest to them on the scoreboard UI, instead of the three closest.
- Fixed an issue with races with multiple laps where the tracker for how long it took a player to complete their previous lap would display incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the Brawl leaderboard ranking number would get stuck mid-transition.
- Fixed an issue where the Crew menu could show multiple 'equip' buttons at once.
- Fixed an issue where skipping ahead on the Brawl summary screen would take the player straight to the 'Progress' tab.
- Fixed an issue where the player could exit the escape menu while a reward pop-up is being displayed, soft-locking their game.
- Fixed an issue where moola earned from the 'Earn 2 pins in Blanko Brawl' deducts moola visually, instead of adding.
- Fixed an issue where the splash screen for Mac displays 'Made with Unity'.
- Fixed an issue where boosting a Blanko with XP Chips would sometimes not display progress.
- Fixed an issue where the team icons would cover the vibe counters of each team in team Partes.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Number of spawns' per team option would be skipped over when using a controller to navigate through the 'Block Name & Options' menu.
- Fixed an issue where players could open the GradeUP menu again shortly after completing a GradeUP.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Exit to Shelf' button in the Blender would take the player to the Desk instead.
- Fixed an issue where the player is never prompted to enter a username when creating a new account
- Fixed a spelling error where 'attributes' was spelled as 'atributes'.
- Fixed an issue where the player's Brawl leaderboard rank would sometimes be displayed as 4444 after the weekly leaderboard reset.
- Fixed a grammatical error Klown's 'Ready to rush?' Gem Rush prompt.
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be unable to navigate through the menu tabs after attempting to join a full Party via a join code.
- Fixed an issue where players would be unable to navigate through the menu tabs after joining a Party via a join count while it's counting down for players.
- Fixed an issue where players would visually be given 2 500 XP Chips for leveling up their Trickle from FR LV 8 to FR LV 9.
- Fixed an issue where players could unintentionally set their sensitivity below 5.0.
- Fixed an issue where the pop-up for Hitmaker rewards would display incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where all Monstercat tracks were represented by a white box in the soundtrack selector.
- Fixed an issue where rocket particles always face towards the observer.
- Fixed an issue with an obstructing lens glare in the pre-match lobby.