The Party is coming to a close and you only have 2 weeks left!

The Hustle & Glow Glider and Cabinet_Man.exe #NFTs can be unlocked through the Party Pass at 10 AM PDT on Wednesday September 22nd with the Weekly and Seasonal Challenge reset! You will be getting that extra bump to get to your Play-To-Earn NFTs!
If you’ve been staying up-to-date with all the challenges, you’ll be able to unlock BOTH on Wednesday October 6th with the completion of the new Weekly Challenges.
You’re almost there to get one of the slickest NFTs to have come out on Party Pass!
The Hustle & Glow Party Pass will end on Wednesday October 6th at 10AM PDT, and we will be kicking off with a new Party Pass on that day.
Do not have a FRIGHT,
For the next Party Pass is DYING to be release from the GRAVE,
And we’re sure it will be a GHOULISH delight!
Finish up Hustle & Glow strong and be sure to claim all of your unlocked Party Pass items in-game prior to October 6th 10AM PDT, or you will lose them. See you at the next party!