The buildings sway and swell, like breaths of air in the night.
She soars through the air, on the beats of her music.
Keep Rockin’ keeps the rhythm rockin’ in the night, what a sight.
Keep Rockin’ by Riiisa Boogie rocks out and bursts into the Block Party. Risa Tochigi, creator of Rock Boogie, returns to the Block Party with another fabulous Blanko! This Blanko drops March 23rd at 3 PM PDT / 22:00 UTC in the Shop and in-game!
Keep Rockin’ - 3200 Available

Keep Rockin’ by Riiisa Boogie rocks out and bursts into the Block Party. The trains keep running and the city never sleep when it’s always time to party! This rockin’ city dweller will be limited to ONLY 3200 Mints for the initial price of $24.99 or 2500 Blanko Bucks.
We have 2 Gumballs rolling into the Shop! The Flavor Flip and Cast Anchor are the most recent additions and are a must have for getting those fine tuned MashUPs! The Flavor Flip Gumball inverts the colors of your Splice Blanko during a Mix or MashUP. The Cast Anchor Cooler Gumball recolors your MashUPs with a blend of bright and dark colors, providing some great contrast!
There will be an order limit of 4 Blankos or Accessories per cart, but no limit on the amount you hold in your account.