What is Build Mode?
Build Mode is a feature in Blankos Block Party where you, the player, can build out Block Parties (levels) and share those Parties to your friends! Play them together, or alone, and see who’s the best!
How to access Build Mode
Getting to Build Mode is easy! From the Desk (the main menu), you’ll see a “Select Mode” button on the bottom right.
After selecting “Select Mode” you’ll be prompted to a menu where you can select which game mode you want to play! From here select “Build” at the far right.
Once you’ve selected “Build” you’ll be prompted to create a new Party! Select the button labeled “New” at the bottom to get started!
You can name your new Party, then click “OK”, and now you’ve started the building process!
Once you've finished building, you can “Publish” your Party, and other players can view and play it from the Party Bus! You can also share the name of your Party to your friends and play with them!
Join Our Discord!
We’ve got amazing builders in our community that would be happy to give feedback and help you grow as a builder. We also have specific text channels in our Discord server for builders looking to improve their Block Parties and even get them featured in Brawl!
Join here: https://discord.gg/playblankos