[ENDED] 2022 Halloween Give-A-Thon

This giveaway has ENDED and the Jack-O’-Beanies have been awarded to the winners; check your inventory to see if you've won!

Happy Halloween, Party-goers!

To celebrate this spook-tacular day, we're kicking off the 2022 Halloween Give-A-Thon with a new giveaway every weekday, through November 11th!

Jack-O’-Beanie [NFT]

Carve your story!

Iconic, yet casual. Perfect for just about anything the spooky season has to offer, whether you’re kickin’ it with monsters, amassing your candy hoard, or partaking in some Halloween hijinks!

Each weekday, we'll release a new giveaway where 50 of you will win a brand new, exclusive NFT Accessory, the Jack-O’-Beanie; with a total of 10 giveaways coming your way, there will only ever be 500 Jack-O’-Beanies in existence!

The Jack-O’-Beanie will be awarded to all winners at random, up to 2 weeks after the winners are announced. This means that the serial number of your Jack-O’-Beanie NFT will NOT correspond to the order in which you won a giveaway.

Latest Giveaways

Here, you’ll be able to see the latest Jack-O’-Beanie giveaways. Each giveaway will have a 3-day window of entry; giveaways marked ‘ENTER HERE’ are still ongoing and can be entered, the ones marked ‘ENDED’ can no longer be entered and have ended, and the ones marked 'COMING SOON' have yet to release.

Giveaway #10 - ENDED

Giveaway #9 - ENDED

Giveaway #8 - ENDED

Giveaway #7 - ENDED

Giveaway #6 - ENDED

Giveaway #5 - ENDED

Giveaway #4 - ENDED

Giveaway #3 - ENDED

Giveaway #2 - ENDED

Giveaway #1 - ENDED


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