Arrrrgh you ready for our next drop? Hoist the sails, batten down the hatches, and ready the canons! Ivar Matlow is swinging into Blankos Block Party on May 26th at 3PM PDT!

This is going to be our first limited quantity drop since the Founder's Packs. There will be only 2000 available of this special Blanko designed by Jon-Paul Kaiser. As always, it will be first come first served right at 3PM PDT and once we hit 2000 sold, the sale is done. That's the total there ever will be issued.
Ivar Matlow will be available for $19.99 or 2000 Blanko Bucks and can be picked up in the Shop or in-game. There will be a limit of 25 per order and we will not be accepting crypto for this drop on the website.