We have some changes headed your way! As covered on stream, these are some of the details regarding the movement changes we have planned and are in the works!
Movement Changes
With the new movement changes, we want to provide more control and purpose to movement. The reason for this is so that you can smoothly do what you intended to do, when you intended for it to happen. To do this, the overall speed of movement has been reduced, as well as the height of jumping. This has side benefits of improving network interpolation and improving both the shooting and racing experience when interacting with other Blankos.
Drift Jump
For this update, we’re introducing a new mechanic to replace double jumping. By holding down the jump button after a jump or fall, you’ll begin to drift jump. Your Blanko will temporarily stall in the air by kicking their feet to stay afloat for a small duration that’s dictated by how long you hold down the jump button. Now, you’ll more easily be able to time & place your landings!

In this update to flight, all flight accessories are being universalized. This means that regardless of the type of flight accessory you have equipped, be it a jetpack, a pair of wings, or a hot dog balloon, it won’t affect how you fly. This puts everyone on the same playing field; and now you don’t have to sacrifice style integrity for functionality!
Flying - Hover Mode
We’re introducing a new mechanic to the world of flight - hovering! By simply pressing ‘C’ on keyboard, or left bumper on controller, with a flight accessory equipped, you’ll be put into hover mode. In this mode, your height position will remain constant until interrupted; perfect for shooting in the skies! Pay attention to your energy meter, though, as hovering drains energy and you’ll start to fall when it reaches zero.

New Weapon: Blanko Bat
Introducing our next weapon stepping up to the plate: The Blanko Bat! This bat is best designed for swinging vibes out of your foes, on top of doing a bit a damage!
You can press and hold the fire button to charge up the bat, up to 3 charge states, with each state increasing in damage output once the bat is swung.
Be careful though! You're limited from jumping in the charge up state and can also be cancelled out of your swing.

XP Happy Hour
We know you don’t want to hear it, but we will be removing the XP Happy Hour, temporarily, to return at a later time in a new form. Additionally, we are removing XP and Moola rewards for just playing, but through the new Pins system you will earn XP chips and Moola. Play with whatever character you want and wherever you want, and expend your XP chips as you see fit. XP Chips means more control for you! Stockpile them, spend them right away, it’s up to you!