Hey, everyone, we've got a major update incoming! We’re adding many new features that we're excited to show you. We'll be seeing a higher than average downtime for this update! The servers and Mythical Marketplace will be going down starting September 30th at 8 AM PDT and we plan to be back up by 12 PM PDT / 3 PM EDT / 19:00 UTC.
We’ve got brand new CHALLENGES for you to participate in and we hope there are grand eXPectations for the upcoming rewards! It’s always a big PLUS if you make sure to read through the rest of our notes!
Marketplace Beta
As you may have seen, the Mythical Marketplace is entering Beta. We're so excited to open up to more than 100 countries, and we are working through regulatory bodies to support as many people as possible!
Over 100 countries will be supported for Crypto Payouts and there are only more to be approved in the coming months. See the full list of countries currently supported on our Blog with more to come later.
Come September 30th, we’ll be introducing our new Mythical Wallet! With this upgrade in reach to many more countries, we expect more growth and activity on the Mythical Marketplace. We’ll be seeing an increase in crypto activity come October. That’s right, crypto payments will be enabled next month!
Currently, our teams are hard at work to deliver an Ethereum mainnet bridge. We’re aiming to get this up and running soon!
New Party Pass+
We’re introducing a premium track to the Party Pass that will feature 5 brand new NFTs in total, which includes 2 Blankos. This premium version of the Party Pass will be known as Party Pass+ and will drop once the SPOOKTASTIC Party Pass: Grave Rave goes live on October 6th at 10AM PDT!


Party Pass: Grave Rave, will have two separate Party Pass tracks. We will have the free track Party Pass: Grave Rave and the premium Party Pass+. The free track will have 4 NFTs in the form of 1 Blanko and 3 Accessories. The premium Party Pass+ will have 5 NFTs in the form of 2 Blankos and 3 Accessories.
The Party Pass+ premium track will cost $24.99, giving you access to both the free track and premium track. This will get you rewards from both the free and premium tracks, adding up to 9 NFTs, and will be available on October 6th.
XP Curve
We’ve seen some concerns regarding the GradeUp system and want you to know that we’re reworking the system to make it feel more rewarding to level up Blankos. We’ve adjusted the XP required by a Blanko per Grade. We are also going to be removing GradeUp restrictions from the accessories. This means that all Blankos will have all their accessory slots unlocked as soon as they’re unboxed!
Another change we’re going to see is that Blankos are going to be changing from 5 levels per Grade to 15 levels per Grade; however, the total XP per Grade will not change. Once you hit Fair LV15, no need to fill out the XP bar again, you’re ready to move straight into Good LV1!
What if I spent on unlocking accessory slots already?
For all players who triggered the following levels on non-N00B Blankos there is a payout of 1 random gumball per level hit:
- Fair LV5
- Good LV3
- Excellent LV3
For all players who trigger the following levels on N00B, there is a payout of 1 random gumball per level hit:
- Fair LV5
- Excellent LV2
- Excellent LV4
Payout Changes
We’ve also incorporated some changes to provide more XP and moola for you to make the leveling process even smoother:
- Weekly Challenge XP payout 450 → 1x 500 XP Token.
- Weekly Challenge moola payout 0 → 300
- Daily Challenge moola Payout 50 → 150
- Total moola from Party Pass 13500 → 17500
- Total XP from Party Pass 25000 → 50000
- Good moola cost 20,000 → 15,000 (equivalent of 750 Blanko Bucks)
- Excellent moola cost 25,000 → 20,000 (equivalent of 1000 Blanko Bucks)
*The total moola and XP gain from Party Pass are on the free track
What if I spent Blanko Bucks to GradeUp my Blanko?
If you have paid in Blanko Bucks for the GradeUp on your Blankos, your Blanko Bucks will be reimbursed. This is due to the changes we plan on implementing to the XP Curve, making it more rewarding for you to GradeUp your Blankos.
Moola Grant
On top of the changes above, as a thank you to all of you dedicated supporters, we’ll be paying 5000 moola for everyone that meets each of the following:
- N00B Blanko in Excellent Grade.
- Trickle Blanko in Good Grade.
- Trickle Blanko in Excellent Grade.
- All NFT Blankos in Good Grade.
- All NFT Blankos in Excellent Grade.

Who wants to open a menu and click a button, all to view what challenges they’re running? I don’t, or should I say, didn’t!
Players will now be able to view their challenges with one easy push of a button. The Challenges window will open up on the left side of your screen showing you what challenges you are working on, and how far you’ve progressed.
We’re hoping that this system improves the rate at which players can race through their challenges and get that XP!
Known Issues
Multiple reports of disconnects in parties
"UH-Oh NOJOIN screen" when exiting the menu in the post results screen while being a Group Member
If the Group Leader is in the Main Menu once the countdown to the next party finishes then all group members that aren't currently in the Main Menu will transition to a loading screen - but they are not being taken anywhere as the Group Leader has not yet decided where to go
Cannot navigate the party pass rewards with a controller after scrolling and clicking the screen with a mouse
Upon entering the junction for the first time the challenge "Complete 1 Block Party" is marked as complete
Reward SFX and Particle Effects stack when claiming multiple rewards which can cause lag
Shooting controls (Zoom/Aim down sight, Fire, Toggle shooting mode) don't appear in interactive mode. Appears only when opening block settings prior
When a player has a large number of hype points to claim, the final repeatable reward remains at x1
The "Upgrade" button in the Party Pass is not visible unless you are hovered over it
There is a delay when opening and closing the "Party Pass" menu
Trials are no longer being taken to the top of the "Recently Played" list when played
Some child particle systems in the Mummy Jetpack and Zombie Jetpack do not turn off when the jet SFX is turned off
The Whatever emote has no icon on the shelf
"The next reward..." value shows a negative number when the player has a large amount of extra hype points and has the final repeatable reward active
"Perform 5 emotes" challenge doesn't increment in party lobbies
Thank you for all your feedback and support. As we continue to grow as a community and game, we will continue to add in new features! We’re excited with the direction we have been moving and will continue to do our best for our supporters!