We’ve got a very exciting update to Blankos Block Party coming on November 18th! This update plans to greatly improve the influx of participants in Block Parties by providing a fast and easy way to jump in!
Our MENUS couldn’t be leaner, and they couldn’t be meaner. LOAD-TIMES BEWARE!
Welcome to The Desk
With our new Desk scene we’ve overhauled our menus to place the most important features of Blankos right in front of you. Now you, the player, can access everything in one place. The Shelf, Shop, The Party Pass, and Social features are all available in one quick glance. Most importantly the Play button gets you right into the action. With Challenges available front and center and quick access Block Parties, we hope to see more players having a smoother experience.
Want to MashUP a new creation without approaching the Vender Blender? Want to join a match without jumping into The Junction? Now you can. No matter where you are, you have access to the most important aspects of your Blankos experience with the push of a button. The Party Pass, Shelf, Shop, Socials, Settings, and even the Blender can all be accessed from the new menu that accompanies you everywhere you go.
From the Desk, you’ll be able to easily jump into Block Parties! With our Play button and available at a quick glance, we expect the flow of Blankos to feel much better!
Party Pass
All you have to do now is to look at the top of your screen to access Party Pass! With Party Pass being so easily accessible, we’d love to see how quickly you could get those NFTs.

Did we mention that Shelf load times are no more? Well, it's true! You can access the Shelf straight from the Desk, load-free. And to top it all off, you can now easily access the Blender from your Shelf as well.

The Shop is looking so well integrated with the new menus! No more days of long loads to get into the store for drops! Get in quick with the click of a tab!
But Mythical Games, we want to jump into the Junction and start stacking! Where did the social aspect go?
Not a problem, The Junction is still easily accessible through the Social tab. You’ll still be able to jump into The Junction and hang out with your friends! Stack and stack and stack away!

Through the Social tab, you’ll also be able to access the Party Bus easily. Here, you can play private games with your friends, and even take a look into other maps to play!

Build Mode
As we prepare Build Mode for new features, textures, and props, as well as adding rewards for our Builders, Build Mode will not be front and center and available from the Desk. Build mode will be accessible through The Foreman via the Junction.

The Future
We’re seeing some great changes headed our way, and are excited to share more with you in the future! Keep an eye out for future updates, they’ll be GEMS! Thank you for your continued support of Blankos Block Party.