Marketplace Beta Now Live

Hey Party-Goers!

We're excited to share with you the recent changes to the Mythical Marketplace. We've added more countries for selling and would like to welcome the Philippines as the newest addition to the Mythical Marketplace!

This next phase of the Mythical Marketplace is the beginning of the revolutionary vision we set out with when we first founded Mythical Games. We are always pushing the boundaries of what we think is the next true frontier in gaming and in the NFT space. We're so excited to have you along for this journey with us, and your enthusiasm for Blankos, the Marketplace, and Mythical Games is why we do this.

We're only just getting started with Beta, so there will be some polishing we need to do. But let's jump into some of the questions you might have.

After you create an account with Uphold from the “Connect with Uphold” button, you will be redirected back to the Mythical Marketplace page before the account creation is complete.

Head back to and complete the account setup until you see the Uphold dashboard, then “Connect with Uphold” again.

Mythical Marketplace Features and Changes

New payout integration: allows selling in many countries and users to withdraw funds in crypto.
Unauthenticated browsing: users can browse the marketplace without having to authenticate.
Changed terminology for ASKs (to listings) and TRADES (to sales) to make it more approachable.
Further improvements for scale and performance.

Mythical Marketplace Known Issues

If you leave a session open for too long, it will timeout and components might not display correctly. The wrong error messages might be shown. Refreshing the page resolves this issue.
You cannot use the Mythical Wallet to pay if you don’t have at least one saved credit card.
Price filter slider maxes out at 1000, even though values above are allowed
Some text overflow on mobile views.
“Buy from” value does not update once a filter is selected.
“Sell item” popup does not redirect to the correct item to sell.
While logging in from a buy page, after successful login you might see an "Oops" page for a few seconds.
Transaction history is not showing up in time order.

Thank you so much for your patience with our recent update! We're so excited to see the Mythical Marketplace grow and look forward to being accessible to even more countries!


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