Tucked away on the highest shelf, covered in cobwebs, lies a plain and very ordinary box. Hidden within the darkness, forever a distant memory. Patiently waiting for someone to open the lid, lurks our newest Blanko.
Octoid by Pete Fowler pops into Blankos Block Party on November 4th at 3 PM PDT and will be available for 1000 Blanko Bucks or $9.99 on the web Shop and in game.
Octoid will be available for unlimited mints until it leaves the store on December 2nd.

Also happening on November 4th our night stalkers, Jaspa (November 4th at 3 PM PDT) and Demanto (November 4th at 3:15 PM PDT), leave the store forever. They will slink into the shadows of the night to make way for our newest Blanko, and will only be available in the Mythical Marketplace.