Hey, Party-goers!
Today’s update added support for our 2022 Halloween Live Event, going live tomorrow!
Additionally, we took this update to implement quite a few changes and bug fixes, you can find the notable ones below.
- Fixed a rare issue where the player would get stuck in the falling animation after landing.
- Fixed an issue where swapping between Blankos with special sound effects would cause them to be overwritten with the default sound effects.
- Fixed an issue where a Brawl match would automatically end when there was only one player left, without granting end-match rewards.
Build Mode
- Fixed an issue where the Toy Properties of the KO Box could not be open after the prop is initially placed.
- Fixed an issue where copied Danger Planes with a movement value of 0 would move to the position of the original Danger Plane.
- Fixed an issue where scaling changes of a prop would not be affected by the undo and redo features.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Play 3 Stages in Blanko Brawl' challenge would not consistently track progress.
- Fixed an issue where using the teleporters in the Junction would progress Party Pass challenges related to movement.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Play 50 stages of a Blanko Brawl' challenge would not consistently progress.
- Fixed an issue where challenges relating to collecting pins would not consistently progress.
- Fixed an issue where the player would sometimes crash after changing Blankos through the Crew menu.
- Fixed an issue where the player would spawn in an unintended area when replaying the Vibe Collect FTUE Party.
- Fixed an issue where the player's camera would be taken into the sky upon completing a race, instead of to another player.
- Fixed an issue where the FTUE could be completed by leaving the lobby of your first Brawl Stage.
- Fixed an issue where the checkpoint arrow in races would disappear after the first lap on races with multiple laps.
- Fixed an issue where the reward for achieving Fair Level 9 with a Godzilla Blanko was missing.
- Fixed an issue where a Blanko's equipped skills could reset.
- Fixed an issue where the Bruiser's 'Armored Hull' ability would not nullify the slow received from the Gum Trap.
- Traps can no longer be placed on top of each other.
- Fixed an issue where group leaders could attempt to take their group to a Party that could not hold all of the group members.
- Fixed an issue where the player would be unable to use the Social tab after reporting a player from the Social tab with a controller.
- Fixed an issue where Party Pass rewards could be claimed twice, erroring the second time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player to get softlocked when Gem Rushing from the Quick Access menu.
- Fixed an issue where moola and Blanko Buck rewards would visually display as '0'.
- Fixed an issue where the interaction menu in the Social Tab would get locked if the player didn't exit the menu with the cancel button.
- Fixed an issue where sent messages in the Junction or Parties would fail to appear on other players' screens.
- Fixed an issue where the repeatable reward at the end of a Party Pass would sometimes not appear.
- Fixed an issue where the player's Blanko would render overtop Party Pass rewards on the Rewards track.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the next reward displayed on the Challenges screen would not take you to that reward on the Rewards track.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Go To Shelf' button in the Quick Access menu wouldn't always take you to the Shelf.
- Fixed an issue where the Cancel button wouldn't work when searching for a Brawl through the Junction portal.
- Fixed an issue where the level details of the equipped Blanko could be seen at the Desk, even though this should no longer be the case.
- Fixed an issue where the challenge list would not properly update on the Brawl Summary page.
- Fixed an issue where challenge progress would sometimes visually reset when changing tabs within the Party Pass UI.
- Fixed an issue where the details for the next Stage in the loading screen would sometimes be missing.
- Fixed an issue where players are no longer notified if a Party does not allow Flight Accessories.
- The Shaman will no longer announce when a player leaves or joins a room.
- Fixed an issue where pin descriptions would get cut off.
- It is now more clear that groups can only be formed when at the Desk.
- Fixed an issue where the Grenade Launcher's grenade trajectory would be inconsistent when the player fired the weapon while moving.
- Fixed an issue where weapons would not give audio feedback when hitting opponents.
- Fixed an issue where the blast radius of the Grenade Launcher didn't match its damage radius.
- Fixed an issue where, when hitting a destructible prop, there was a noticeable delay between the swing and the prop getting hit.