Bleep… Bloop…
The parties seem to freeze, glitch; they almost look… pixelated? The soundscape floods over with buzzes, blips, and bleeps from another time…
?$^*& mysterious &#($*())? have loaded into the Party. These futuristic (*^&#*$%@(*^(@* ()*&#^(*#$^&(* (*#^$(* are taking over, and while they may not say much aside from the occasional “BEEP,” you get the sense they have a taste for the retro.
Do you have what it takes to impress these legends? Can you channel the nostalgia and your earliest memories of gaming, and turn it into something creative and fresh? If you can, there may be something legendary in it for you…
Event Details
Build the ultimate Party themed around Atari and retro gaming. The event kicks off August 23rd and will end September 16th. Winners will receive new ???? - and more!
Important Dates
Submission Period:
8/23 - 9/6
You have from August 23rd,12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC to September 6th, 12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC to build your Atari themed level and submit it.
Community Vote:
9/7 - 9/12
Starting on September 7th,12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC, you’ll be able to vote for your favorite entries by reacting to your favorites in our Discord server after playing them in-game! Community voting will last until September 12th, 12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC.
Your votes will determine the TOP 10 winners of the Atari build contest!
Internal Vote:
9/13 - 9/15
After community voting has concluded, we, Mythical Games, will have an internal vote on the top 10 entries, to determine the TOP 4 winners!
Winners Announced:
On September 15th, we will announce the winners of the Atari build contest!
Level Live Date:
On September 16th, the top levels will be featured in the game, in our Brawl mode!
These rules must be followed for your submission to be eligible for any rewards listed above, participation prize included. Any submission found in violation of these rules will be disqualified from the contest.
- Your Party must follow the theme of Atari and/or Atari retro games, as deemed by Mythical Games.
- No copyrighted or trademarked material (with the exception of Atari owned properties character and logo, and Blankos owned by Mythical); all works must be original and created by you. This includes, but is not limited to, game or movie characters, logos, and any existing third party/brand Blankos within the world of Blankos Block Party (if you don't know, please ask).
- Your Party must be PG. Your Party entry must not include the use of drugs or sexualization of any kind.
- Your Party should be named in the following Fashion: “Atari Party [YOUR PARTY NAME HERE]
- Example: “Atari Party Fun”
- Only one submission per person, not per account. Any entrant found to have made multiple Parties or mail accounts to bypass this will result in your disqualification. We will enable the ability to edit your submission, so no worries if you’ve built a Party but feel newer renditions play and look better than your current entry!
- Additionally, general rules and conditions apply. You can find those listed here.
It wouldn’t be an amazing contest without some amazing prizes! Let’s see what we’ve got…
1st Prize
- 1 x Pong Blanko, 1 x Joystick Blanko, 1 x Centipede Blanko, 1 x Tempest Blanko
- Community Chrome
- Top 10 Reward
2nd Prize
- 1 x Pong Blanko, 1 x Joystick Blanko, 1 x Centipede Blanko
- Top 10 Reward
3rd Prize
- 1 x Pong Blanko and 1 x Joystick Blanko
- Top 10 Reward
4th Prize
- 1 x Pong Blanko
- Top 10 Reward
Top 10 Reward
The top 10 who are voted on by the community will be rewarded the following:
- 1000 Blanko Bucks
- Participation Award
Participation Award
- Visage Blanko
- 5000 XP Chips
How To Submit
Fill out the Google Form, here, with your Display name and email address tied to your Mythical account. Be sure to submit your Party name, as well as having the Party published. Unpublished entries will not be accepted.
Also be sure to submit your Party screenshot via Imgur. An account on imgur is not needed to upload your artwork!
To upload to Imgur go to the top left of the webpage and click the “New Post” button.
Drop in your Atari Party screenshot
Then, click “Grab Link” and share the link in the Google Form.