Community Stream - 6/10/2022

Hey, party-goers!

Join us live on Twitch in 2 days, on June 10th, at 12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC, as we take a look at the winning Blanko design from our first ever Community Crew Design Challenge, as well as answering some community questions!

Additionally, starting at  the above time, you’ll be able to earn rewards in the form of Twitch Drops by watching anyone stream Blankos Block Party live on Twitch.

Of these rewards includes a FREE Blanko, Visage, by community member Surell, the winner of our first ever Community Crew Design Challenge!

This Campaign, and therefore your ability to earn these rewards, will expire on June 13th, at 12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC.


After watching for 15 minutes:

  • 1 random Gumball

After watching for 30 minutes (after claiming the first reward):

  • [NFT] Visage, the winning Blanko of our first ever Community Crew Design Challenge, created by community member Surell!

You’ll have until June 17th, at 12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC, to claim your rewards. Please note you MUST finish logging into the game to receive your rewards. After the deadline, the redemption period will expire.

Linking Your Twitch Account

In order to be eligible for Twitch drops you’ll need both a Blankos account and a Twitch account. Be sure to visit the links if you haven’t created these accounts yet!

Once both of these are created, you’ll need to connect your Twitch account to your Blankos account to be set up to earn Twitch drops!

  1. First, login or create a Twitch account on
  2. When the Campaign is live, you can connect your Twitch and Blankos accounts here.
  3. Watch streamers playing Blankos Block Party
  4. Click on either the notification or head to your Twitch inventory
  5. Claim the item in your Twitch Inventory
  6. Log into Blankos Block Party to claim your rewards!

Be sure to head to the Twitch Drops Campaigns page to connect your Twitch and Blankos accounts when the Campaign is live so that you’re all set for the upcoming drop!


  • You can only connect one Twitch account to one game account.
  • You will only receive one of each reward per account.
  • You will need to claim one reward before you can claim the next.
  • You MUST finish logging into the game to receive your rewards before June 17th 12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC. After the deadline, the redemption period will expire.


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