Dash Drops January 5th

Bring in the New Year with a new New Year’s Resolution and work it! Dance with me! Dance with me! Dash pounces into Blankos Block Party on January 5th at 3 PM PST / 23:00 UTC. This unlimited quantity Blanko will be available for 1000 Blanko Bucks or $9.99 on the webstore and in-game.

Sweet Reward Headpiece

Today’s the day you catch that turkey leg! Get sprinting, it’ll be within your grasps soon! The hat accessory, Sweet Reward Headpiece, will be available on January 5th at 3 PM PST / 23:00 UTC for 12000 moola in-game.

Pizza Tank

Rep that which fuels you, like a pre-workout pizza, and get a PIZZA this tank! The Pizza Tank vest accessory will be available on January 5th at 3 PM PST / 23:00 UTC for 12000 moola in-game.

Krampus Leaving

With the year of old having come to a close, we bid farewell to our dear friend, Krampus, with woes. Though, he will not leave without a trace. For you can still find him on the Mythical Marketplace.


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