We’ve finally come to this moment: Our second Gem Rush is going to be live on March 17th, at 11 AM PDT / 18:00 UTC!

What is Gem Rush?
Gem Rush is a system that opens two new doors to players. First, it creates a brand new way to acquire premium Blankos via our GradeUP system.
Second, it allows Blankos to be consumed, or burned, from the Blockchain, making the remaining copies more scarce.
When a Gem Rush activates for a Blanko, you will be able to progress it to Premium Grades called Mint and Gem Mint. To do this, you can put your Blankos through a special process called Fusion.
In this process you can Fuse together two identical Blankos of EX LV15 (Excellent Grade Level 15). Fusion results in you minting a brand new, boxed Blanko, consuming the two identical Blankos of EX LV15 (Excellent Grade Level 15) to receive a Mint LV1 Blanko.
During this Gem Mint process, you can also consume two identical Mint LV15 Blankos to receive a Gem Mint LV1 Blanko. You’ll be creating an all-new NFT with new unique unlockables, such as an alternate design or unique special effects.
Keep in mind that when fusing, your newly Minted Blanko’s class will be locked to the class of the Blanko placed into the left side slot.
- If a Tracer-class Blanko of EX LV 15 goes into the left slot followed by a Wrecker-class Blanko of EX LV 15 in the right slot, the newly Minted Blanko will be a Tracer-class Blanko.
- This newly Minted Blanko will also have the Hidden Perks of the Tracer-class Blanko.
Boss Dino
Boss Dino will be our next Gem Rush Blanko! Boss Dino is available for purchase on the Mythical Marketplace if you don't have them already.
This Gem Rush, unlike the previous, does not have a set time frame or a set cap on serial numbers. This means that as long as there are Boss Dinos, the Rush goes on!
This Gem Rush Blanko will be Mashable in both its Mint and Gem Mint forms. We'll also be opening up AT0M.atn.ERR and AT0M.atn.KM to being Mashable as well.
[MINT] Chemical B Dino

You can Fuse two EX LV 15 Boss Dinos to result in a Mint LV1 Chemical B Dino!
Fuse Requirements:
- Two EX LV 15 Boss Dinos
- 16 Gumballs
- 25,000 moola or 1,250 Blanko Bucks
Level Rewards List
Level 1
- Reward: Mint Nameplate
- XP Needed to Level Up: 4,200
Level 2
- Reward: 500 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 4,600
Level 3
- Reward: Random Gumball
- XP Needed to Level Up: 5,100
Level 4
- Reward: [Unique] New Footsteps SFX
- XP Needed to Level Up: 5,600
Level 5
- Reward: 500 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 6,100
Level 6
- Reward: Random Gumball
- XP Needed to Level Up: 6,700
Level 7
- Reward: [Unique] New Shove Animation - Chem B Head Bash
- XP Needed to Level Up: 7,300
Level 8
- Reward: 500 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 7,900
Level 9
- Reward: Random Gumball
- XP Needed to Level Up: 8,600
Level 10
- Reward: [Unique] New Stunned Animation - Chem B Crash
- XP Needed to Level Up: 9,300
Level 11
- Reward: 500 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 10,000
Level 12
- Reward: Random Gumball
- XP Needed to Level Up: 10,700
Level 13
- Reward: [Unique] New Shove PFX - Chem B Reaction
- XP Needed to Level Up: 11,500
Level 14
- Reward: 500 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 12,400
Level 15 - Max MT Level
- Reward: [Unique] New Run Trail PFX - Chem B Run Radiation
Total XP required to MT Level 15: 110,000
[GEM MINT] Ultra B Dino

You can Fuse two MT LV 15 Chemical B Dinos to result in a Gem Mint LV1 Ultra B Dino!
Fuse Requirements:
- Two MT LV 15 Chemical B Dinos
- 20 Gumballs
- 30,000 moola or 1,500 Blanko Bucks
Level Rewards List
Level 1
- Reward: Gem Mint Nameplate
- XP Needed to Level Up: 5,000
Level 2
- Reward: 2,000 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 5,500
Level 3
- Reward: 3 Random Gumballs
- XP Needed to Level Up: 6,000
Level 4
- Reward: [Unique] New Emote - Chem B Predator Pose
- XP Needed to Level Up: 6,600
Level 5
- Reward: 2,000 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 7,300
Level 6
- Reward: 3 Random Gumballs
- XP Needed to Level Up: 8,000
Level 7
- Reward: [Unique] New Run Animation - Chem B Irradiated Dash
- XP Needed to Level Up: 8,700
Level 8
- Reward: 2,000 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 9,400
Level 9
- Reward: 3 Random Gumballs
- XP Needed to Level Up: 10,100
Level 10
- Reward: [Unique] New Blanko SFX - Ultra B Dino Roar
- XP Needed to Level Up: 10,900
Level 11
- Reward: 2,000 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 11,700
Level 12
- Reward: 3 Random Gumballs
- XP Needed to Level Up: 12,600
Level 13
- Reward: [Unique] New Run Trail PFX - Chem B Cash Dash
- XP Needed to Level Up: 13,600
Level 14
- Reward: 2,000 Blanko Bucks
- XP Needed to Level Up: 14,600
Level 15 - Max GM Level
- Reward: [Unique] New Flight Attachment - Ultra B Dino Cape

Total XP required to GM Level 15: 130,000