Coming hot off the heels of a spicy E3 keynote, we are doing a huge update to the store and have some major Blankos and accessory drops.
We're dropping a new Blanko June 16th and two new Blankos June 17th! Additionally, we're removing Bullseye and some emotes June 16th and Freddy Yeti on June 17th!
First let's look at what's dropping June 16th at 3PM PDT.
June 16th at 3PM PDT
New Blanko: Rougarou by Nicky Davis - Only 4000!
Rougarou will be in the shop for $19.99 or 2000 Blanko bucks and can be bought on the web Shop or in-game. This is the second Blanko design from the awesome Nicky Davis!

Accessories Arriving June 16th
We have the new Bi-Amp Jetpack for $6.99 or 700 BB's, Spiked Belt for 8000 Moola, and Emo Gloves for $3.99 or 400 BB's! Adding on to that, we have the arm cast gumball for $2.99 or 300 BB's, color inverse gumball for 6000 Moola, and Belly Dance emote for $3.99 or 400 BB's.

Items Leaving June 16th at 3PM PDT
We will be ending the sale of Bullseye on June 16th! It will be leaving the store for ever. If we hit the cap before then, we will of course be sold out, but if we don't then Blankos not bought will be burned and the total amount will reflect that.

Emotes leaving the store June 16th

Blankos arriving June 17th
We got a pair of Mythical created Blankos dropping on Thursday June 17th at 3PM PDT. Glitter Goth and Menace! These Blankos will both be unlimited quantity until June 30th at 3PM PDT and will be available for $14.99 or 1,500 Blanko Bucks.

Blankos leaving June 17th
Freddy Yeti is leaving on June 17th at 3PM PDT.

Stay tuned to our social media channels for more updates!