Hey, Party-goers~
With the launch of Season 3 - Melomania, and the bumpin’ music in the air, what better way to celebrate than with an all new Build Event!
Event Details
Create a new, music themed party in spirit of Season 3 and submit it HERE!
We’re going for cool-factor in this Build Event – we want to see the visual build skills of this amazing community!
Once you’re ready to publish your party, be sure to use S3MUSIC at the front of your party name.
We have prizing for 1st and 2nd Place, the Community Favorite, and Participation prizing for all who enter!
Please allow up to 4 weeks after the winners are announced for prizes to be awarded.
1st Place
- Orson Rex Blanko
- Community Chrome Accessory
2nd Place
- Mythical Camo Blanko
- Peanut FC Blanko
- Community Chrome Accessory
Community Favorite
- Multi Blanko
- Community Chrome Accessory
- 10,000 moola
- 4 Gumballs
Everyone who submits a valid entry is eligible for the Participation prize!
The timings for all of the key dates below are 12:00 PM PDT / 19:00 UTC
Submission Period
You have from June 7th until June 28th to submit your entry through the entry form.
Internal Vote
Once the Submission Period has ended, we will hold an internal vote to determine the 1st and 2nd Place winners.
Winners Announced
On July 5th, we will announce the 1st and 2nd Place winners!
Community Vote
Between July 5th and July 12th, you will be able to vote over on our Discord server to determine the Community Favorite entry.
Community Favorite Announced
Once voting has concluded on July 12th, we will announce the Community Favorite entry!
These rules must be followed for your submission to be eligible for any rewards listed above, participation prize included. Any submission found in violation of these rules will be disqualified from the contest.
- Your entry must be PG and must not include the use of drugs or sexualization of any kind.
- Only one submission per person, not per account. Any entrant found to have made multiple Blankos or mail accounts to bypass this will result in your disqualification. We will enable the ability to edit your submission, so no worries if you create a party you think is better than your current entry!
- Entries for this Event will not be eligible for featuring in the Party Bus rotation until after the Event has concluded.
General rules and conditions apply